Studies have been conducted to assess the effects of listening to rap music on teenagers and young adults. Findings thus far are mixed, but overall they suggest that listening to rap music does not cause aggressive or deviant behaviour.
Perception of Crime and Violence
One study found that young subjects who watched violent rap videos were more accepting of violent actions, particularly against women. Additionally, those who watched either violent or nonviolent rap videos were more inclined to express materialistic attitudes and favor potentially acquiring possessions through crime, as well as holding more negative views on the likelihood of succeeding through academic pursuits.
Another study found that adolescent females, after watching a rap video depicting women in sexually subordinate roles, were more inclined to express acceptance of violence against women in a dating situation. However, increased acceptance of crime and violence appears to be linked with viewing violent or sexist rap videos rather than listening to rap music on its own.
Attitudes Toward Women
Young men who had little previous exposure to rap music were the subjects of an experiment in which researchers had one group listen to rap music with lyrics, another listen to rap music without lyrics, a third just read the lyrics, and a fourth group neither listen nor read. After the exposure, none of the subjects held more negative attitudes toward women, but those who read or heard the lyrics were more inclined to express adversarial sexual beliefs.
As would be expected, only rap music with misogynistic themes appears to create misogynistic attitudes and greater acceptance of violence against women. Other types of rap do not have a negative effect on the perception of women.
Behavioral Problems
Although research has found a correlation between preference for heavy metal or rap music and behavioral problems, drug or alcohol use, arrests and sexual promiscuity, these behavioral problems usually begin before students begin listening to rap or heavy metal, which indicates that the music does not cause behavioral problems or addiction. Rather, it suggests that at-risk youth are more inclined to prefer heavy metal or rap music.
Academic Achievement
While a number of studies have associated lower grades with students who listen to rap or heavy metal music, one study found that white students actually improved their academic abilities after watching rap videos, as well as expressing more progressive attitudes—after watching politically focused rap videos, they were more inclined to support a liberal black political candidate. Unfortunately, there was no indication of similar research being conducted with black students.
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