Thursday, 7 October 2010

guardian media h.w

Media Guardian 100 is a list of the most powerful people that are involved with the media industry.

The Panellist are:
Lord Waheed Ali, (m)
Daisy McAndrew, (F)
Jamie Kantrowitz, (M)
Richard Park, (M)
Sarah Sands, (F)
James Scroggs,(M)
Janine Gibson,(F)
Matt Wells. .(M)

there are only 19 females that are on the list.

Companies they work for include;
Daily Mail,
The Guardian,
Grazia, Vogue,
Kudos Productions,
Sunday Telegraph,
Shine, Pearson,
Trinity Mirror,
Channel Five,
The Sun.

19% of the list are female.

the fact that there are 4 females out of 8 people shows that the power is balanced this is probably for the reason that this is to show the rise of women and their equal rights.

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